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Add an Integration

Ludwig provides an open-ended method of third-party system integration. This makes it easy to integrate other systems or services with Ludwig which can be enabled simply by passing a flag to the command line interface.

To contribute an integration, follow these steps:

1. Create a Python file in ludwig/contribs/

The file should have an obvious name associated with the third-party system it integrates with i.e., In this example, it is called

2. Create Callback class

Create a new class implementing the ludwig.callbacks.Callback interface. The new class should have a name associated with the third-party system it integrates with, matching its file name.

from ludwig.callbacks import Callback

class MyCallback(Callback):

3. Implement callback methods

Ludwig provides the following callbacks which you can implement to add functionality to Ludwig. All the following methods are optional:

 def on_cmdline(self, cmd: str, *args: List[str]):
     """Called when Ludwig is run on the command line with the callback enabled.

     :param cmd: The Ludwig subcommand being run, ex.
                 "train", "evaluate", "predict", ...
     :param args: The full list of command-line arguments (sys.argv).

 def on_preprocess_start(self, config: Dict[str, Any]):
     """Called before preprocessing starts.

     :param config: The config dictionary.

 def on_preprocess_end(
         training_set_metadata: Dict[str, Any]
     """Called after preprocessing ends.

     :param training_set: The training set.
     :type training_set: ludwig.dataset.base.Dataset
     :param validation_set: The validation set.
     :type validation_set: ludwig.dataset.base.Dataset
     :param test_set: The test set.
     :type test_set: ludwig.dataset.base.Dataset
     :param training_set_metadata: Values inferred from the training set,
            including preprocessing settings, vocabularies, feature statistics,
            etc. Same as training_set_metadata.json.


 def on_hyperopt_init(self, experiment_name: str):
     """Called to initialize state before hyperparameter optimization begins.

     :param experiment_name: The name of the current experiment.

 def on_hyperopt_preprocessing_start(self, experiment_name: str):
     """Called before data preprocessing for hyperparameter optimization begins.

     :param experiment_name: The name of the current experiment.

 def on_hyperopt_preprocessing_end(self, experiment_name: str):
     """Called after data preprocessing for hyperparameter optimization is

     :param experiment_name: The name of the current experiment.

 def on_hyperopt_start(self, experiment_name: str):
     """Called before any hyperparameter optimization trials are started.

     :param experiment_name: The name of the current experiment.

 def on_hyperopt_end(self, experiment_name: str):
     """Called after all hyperparameter optimization trials are completed.

     :param experiment_name: The name of the current experiment.

 def on_hyperopt_trial_start(self, parameters: Dict[str, Any]):
     """Called before the start of each hyperparameter optimization trial.

     :param parameters: The complete dictionary of parameters for this
            hyperparameter optimization experiment.

 def on_hyperopt_trial_end(self, parameters: Dict[str, Any]):
     """Called after the end of each hyperparameter optimization trial.

     :param parameters: The complete dictionary of parameters for this
            hyperparameter optimization experiment.

 def on_train_init(
     base_config: Dict[str, Any],
     experiment_directory: str,
     experiment_name: str,
     model_name: str,
     output_directory: str,
     resume: Union[str, None],
     """Called after preprocessing, but before the creation of the model and
     trainer objects.

     :param base_config: The user-specified config, before the insertion of
            defaults or inferred values.
     :param experiment_directory: The experiment directory, same as
            output_directory if no experiment specified.
     :param experiment_name: The experiment name.
     :param model_name: The model name.
     :param output_directory: file path to where training results are stored.
     :param resume: model directory to resume training from, or None.

 def on_train_start(
     config: Dict[str, Any],
     config_fp: Union[str, None],
     """Called after creation of trainer, before the start of training.

     :param model: The ludwig model.
     :type model: ludwig.utils.torch_utils.LudwigModule
     :param config: The config dictionary.
     :param config_fp: The file path to the config, or none if config was passed
            to stdin.

 def on_train_end(self, output_directory: str):
     """Called at the end of training, before the model is saved.

     :param output_directory: file path to where training results are stored.

 def on_trainer_train_setup(self, trainer, save_path: str, is_coordinator: bool):
     """Called in every trainer (distributed or local) before training starts.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: trainer: ludwig.models.Trainer
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.
     :param is_coordinator: Is this trainer the coordinator.

 def on_trainer_train_teardown(
         self, trainer, progress_tracker, is_coordinator: bool
     """Called in every trainer (distributed or local) after training completes.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param is_coordinator: Is this trainer the coordinator.

 def on_batch_start(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator only before each batch.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_batch_end(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator only after each batch.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_epoch_start(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator only before the start of each epoch.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_epoch_end(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator only after the end of each epoch.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_validation_start(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator before validation starts.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_validation_end(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator after validation is complete.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_test_start(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator before testing starts.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_test_end(self, trainer, progress_tracker, save_path: str):
     """Called on coordinator after testing ends.

     :param trainer: The trainer instance.
     :type trainer: ludwig.models.trainer.Trainer
     :param progress_tracker: An object which tracks training progress.
     :type progress_tracker: ludwig.models.trainer.ProgressTracker
     :param save_path: The path to the directory model is saved in.

 def on_build_metadata_start(self, df, mode: str):
     """Called before building metadata for dataset.

     :param df: The dataset.
     :type df: pd.DataFrame
     :param mode: "prediction", "training", or None.

 def on_build_metadata_end(self, df, mode):
     """Called after building dataset metadata.

     :param df: The dataset.
     :type df: pd.DataFrame
     :param mode: "prediction", "training", or None.

 def on_build_data_start(self, df, mode):
     """Called before build_data, which does preprocessing, handling missing
     values, adding metadata to training_set_metadata.

     :param df: The dataset.
     :type df: pd.DataFrame
     :param mode: "prediction", "training", or None.

 def on_build_data_end(self, df, mode):
     """Called after build_data completes.

     :param df: The dataset.
     :type df: pd.DataFrame
     :param mode: "prediction", "training", or None.

 def on_evaluation_start(self):
     """Called before preprocessing for evaluation."""

 def on_evaluation_end(self):
     """Called after evaluation is complete."""

 def on_visualize_figure(self, fig):
     """Called after a visualization is generated.

     :param fig: The figure.
     :type fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure

 def prepare_ray_tune(
         train_fn: Callable,
         tune_config: Dict[str, Any],
         tune_callbacks: List[Callable]
     """Configures Ray Tune callback and config.

     :param train_fn: The function which runs the experiment trial.
     :param tune_config: The ray tune configuration dictionary.
     :param tune_callbacks: List of callbacks (not used yet).

     :returns: Tuple[Callable, Dict] The train_fn and tune_config, which will be
               passed to ray tune.
     return train_fn, tune_config

 def preload():
     """Will always be called when Ludwig CLI is invoked, preload gives the
     callback an opportunity to import or create any shared resources.

     Importing required 3rd-party libraries should be done here i.e. import wandb.
     preload is guaranteed to be called before any other callback method, and will
     only be called once per process.

If you would like to add additional actions not already handled by the above:

  1. Add them to the appropriate calling location.
  2. Add the associated method to your callback class.
  3. Write a docstring, and add it to this documentation page.

See existing calls in ludwig/ as a pattern to follow.

4. Import the new callback

In ludwig/contribs/ add an import in this pattern, using your module and class names:

from my_callback import MyCallback

5. Register a flag for the callback

In ludwig/contribs/ in the contrib_registry["classes"] dictionary, add a key/value pair where the key is the flag which enables the callback and the value is the class:

contrib_registry = {
    "myflag": MyCallback,