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↑ H3 Features

H3 is a indexing system for representing geospatial data. For more details about it refer to

H3 Features Preprocessing

name: h3_feature_name
type: h3
  missing_value_strategy: fill_with_const
  fill_value: 576495936675512319

Ludwig will parse the H3 64bit encoded format automatically. The parameters for preprocessing are:

  • missing_value_strategy (default fill_with_const): what strategy to follow when there's a missing value in a binary column. The value should be one of fill_with_const (replaces the missing value with a specific value specified with the fill_value parameter), fill_with_mode (replaces the missing values with the most frequent value in the column), fill_with_mean (replaces the missing values with the mean of the values in the column), backfill (replaces the missing values with the next valid value).
  • fill_value (default 576495936675512319): the value to replace the missing values with in case the missing_value_strategy is fill_with_const. This is a 64bit integer compatible with the H3 bit layout. The default value encodes mode 1, edge 0, resolution 0, base_cell 0.

H3 Input Features and Encoders

Input H3 features are transformed into a int valued tensors of size N x 19 (where N is the size of the dataset and the 19 dimensions represent 4 H3 resolution parameters (4) - mode, edge, resolution, base cell - and 15 cell coordinate values.

Currently there are three encoders supported for H3: H3Embed (default), H3WeightedSum, and H3RNN. The encoder can be set by specifying embed, weighted_sum, or rnn in the input feature's configuration.

name: h3_feature_name
type: h3
encoder: embed

Embed Encoder

name: h3_column_name
type: h3
encoder: embed
embedding_size: 10
embeddings_on_cpu: false
fc_layers: null
num_fc_layers: 0
output_size: 10
use_bias: true
weights_initializer: glorot_uniform
bias_initializer: zeros
norm: null
norm_params: null
activation: relu
dropout: 0

This encoder encodes each components of the H3 representation (mode, edge, resolution, base cell and children cells) with embeddings. Children cells with value 0 will be masked out.

After the embedding, all embeddings are summed and optionally passed through a stack of fully connected layers.

It takes the following optional parameters:

  • embedding_size (default 10): it is the maximum embedding size adopted.
  • embeddings_on_cpu (default false): by default embeddings matrices are stored on GPU memory if a GPU is used, as it allows for faster access, but in some cases the embedding matrix may be really big and this parameter forces the placement of the embedding matrix in regular memory and the CPU is used to resolve them, slightly slowing down the process as a result of data transfer between CPU and GPU memory.
  • fc_layers (default null): a list of dictionaries containing the parameters of all the fully connected layers. The length of the list determines the number of stacked fully connected layers and the content of each dictionary determines the parameters for a specific layer. The available parameters for each layer are: activation, dropout, norm, norm_params, output_size, use_bias, bias_initializer and weights_initializer. If any of those values is missing from the dictionary, the default one specified as a parameter of the encoder will be used instead.
  • num_fc_layers (default 0): This is the number of stacked fully connected layers.
  • output_size (default 10): if a output_size is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default output_size that will be used for each layer. It indicates the size of the output of a fully connected layer.
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform.
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform.
  • norm (default null): if a norm is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default norm that will be used for each layer. It indicates the norm of the output and it can be null, batch or layer.
  • norm_params (default null): parameters used if norm is either batch or layer. For information on parameters used with batch see Torch's documentation on batch normalization or for layer see Torch's documentation on layer normalization.
  • activation (default relu): if an activation is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default activation that will be used for each layer. It indicates the activation function applied to the output.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate

Weighted Sum Embed Encoder

name: h3_column_name
type: h3
encoder: weighted_sum
embedding_size: 10
embeddings_on_cpu: false
should_softmax: false
fc_layers: null
num_fc_layers: 0
output_size: 10
use_bias: true
weights_initializer: glorot_uniform
bias_initializer: zeros
norm: null
norm_params: null
activation: relu
dropout: 0

This encoder encodes each components of the H3 representation (mode, edge, resolution, base cell and children cells) with embeddings. Children cells with value 0 will be masked out.

After the embedding, all embeddings are summed with a weighted sum (with learned weights) and optionally passed through a stack of fully connected layers.

It takes the following optional parameters:

  • embedding_size (default 10): it is the maximum embedding size adopted..
  • embeddings_on_cpu (default false): by default embeddings matrices are stored on GPU memory if a GPU is used, as it allows for faster access, but in some cases the embedding matrix may be really big and this parameter forces the placement of the embedding matrix in regular memory and the CPU is used to resolve them, slightly slowing down the process as a result of data transfer between CPU and GPU memory.
  • should_softmax (default false): determines if the weights of the weighted sum should be passed though a softmax layer before being used.
  • fc_layers (default null): a list of dictionaries containing the parameters of all the fully connected layers. The length of the list determines the number of stacked fully connected layers and the content of each dictionary determines the parameters for a specific layer. The available parameters for each layer are: activation, dropout, norm, norm_params, output_size, use_bias, bias_initializer and weights_initializer. If any of those values is missing from the dictionary, the default one specified as a parameter of the encoder will be used instead.
  • num_fc_layers (default 0): This is the number of stacked fully connected layers.
  • output_size (default 10): if a output_size is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default output_size that will be used for each layer. It indicates the size of the output of a fully connected layer.
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform.
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform.
  • norm (default null): if a norm is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default norm that will be used for each layer. It indicates the norm of the output and it can be null, batch or layer.
  • norm_params (default null): parameters used if norm is either batch or layer. For information on parameters used with batch see Torch's documentation on batch normalization or for layer see Torch's documentation on layer normalization.
  • activation (default relu): if an activation is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default activation that will be used for each layer. It indicates the activation function applied to the output.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate
  • reduce_output (default sum): defines how to reduce the output tensor along the s sequence length dimension if the rank of the tensor is greater than 2. Available values are: sum, mean or avg, max, concat (concatenates along the first dimension), last (returns the last vector of the first dimension) and null (which does not reduce and returns the full tensor).

RNN Encoder

name: h3_column_name
type: h3
encoder: rnn
embedding_size: 10
embeddings_on_cpu: false
num_layers: 1
cell_type: rnn
state_size: 10
bidirectional: false
activation: tanh
recurrent_activation: sigmoid
use_bias: true
unit_forget_bias: true
weights_initializer: glorot_uniform
recurrent_initializer: orthogonal
bias_initializer: zeros
dropout: 0.0
recurrent_dropout: 0.0
initializer: null
regularize: true
reduce_output: last

This encoder encodes each components of the H3 representation (mode, edge, resolution, base cell and children cells) with embeddings. Children cells with value 0 will be masked out.

After the embedding, all embeddings are passed through an RNN encoder.

The intuition behind this is that, starting from the base cell, the sequence of children cells can be seen as a sequence encoding the path in the tree of all H3 hexes.

It takes the following optional parameters:

  • embedding_size (default 10): it is the maximum embedding size adopted..
  • embeddings_on_cpu (default false): by default embeddings matrices are stored on GPU memory if a GPU is used, as it allows for faster access, but in some cases the embedding matrix may be really big and this parameter forces the placement of the embedding matrix in regular memory and the CPU is used to resolve them, slightly slowing down the process as a result of data transfer between CPU and GPU memory.
  • num_layers (default 1): the number of stacked recurrent layers.
  • state_size (default 256): the size of the state of the rnn.
  • cell_type (default rnn): the type of recurrent cell to use. Available values are: rnn, lstm, gru.
  • bidirectional (default false): if true two recurrent networks will perform encoding in the forward and backward direction and their outputs will be concatenated.
  • activation (default tanh): activation function to use
  • recurrent_activation (default sigmoid): activation function to use in the recurrent step
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • unit_forget_bias (default true): If true, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform.
  • recurrent_initializer (default 'orthogonal'): initializer for recurrent matrix weights
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform.
  • dropout (default 0.0): dropout rate
  • recurrent_dropout (default 0.0): dropout rate for recurrent state
  • initializer (default null): the initializer to use. If null, the default initialized of each variable is used (glorot_uniform in most cases). Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform.
  • regularize (default true): if true the embedding weights are added to the set of weights that get regularized by a regularization loss (if the regularization_lambda in training is greater than 0).
  • reduce_output (default last): defines how to reduce the output tensor along the s sequence length dimension if the rank of the tensor is greater than 2. Available values are: sum, mean or avg, max, concat (concatenates along the first dimension), last (returns the last vector of the first dimension) and null (which does not reduce and returns the full tensor).

H3 Output Features and Decoders

There is currently no support for H3 as an output feature. Consider using the TEXT type.