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We use Slack as a chat solution for allowing both Ludwig users and developers to interact in a timely, more synchronous way.

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We use GitHub Discussions to provide a forum for the community to discuss. Everything that is not an issue and relates Ludwig can be discussed here: use-cases, requests for help and suggestions, discussions on the future of the project, and other similar topics. The forum is ideal for asynchronous communication.

Community Policy

We craft Ludwig with love and care, to the best of our skills and knowledge, and this project would not be possible without the contribution of an incredible community.

Members of the Ludwig community provide fixes, new features, functionality, and documentation, which not only improves Ludwig but also shapes technical direction.

We are really grateful for that and in exchange we strive to make the development process as open as possible and communication with the development team easy and direct.

We strive to create an inclusive community where everyone is respected. Harassment and any other form of non-inclusive behavior will not be tolerated.


If you encounter an issue when using Ludwig, please add it to our GitHub Issues tracker. Please make sure we are able to replicate the issue by providing the model definition + command + data or code + data.

If your data cannot be shared, please use the synthesize_dataset command line utility to create a synthetic data with the same feature types.


ludwig synthesize_dataset --features="[ \
  {name: text, type: text}, \
  {name: category, type: category}, \
  {name: number, type: number}, \
  {name: binary, type: binary}, \
  {name: set, type: set}, \
  {name: bag, type: bag}, \
  {name: sequence, type: sequence}, \
  {name: timeseries, type: timeseries}, \
  {name: date, type: date}, \
  {name: h3, type: h3}, \
  {name: vector, type: vector}, \
  {name: image, type: image} \
]" --dataset_size=10 --output_path=synthetic_dataset.csv