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Image Classification (MNIST)

This is a complete example of training an image classification model on the MNIST dataset.

Download the MNIST dataset

git clone
cd mnist_png/
tar -xf mnist_png.tar.gz
cd mnist_png/

Create train and test CSVs

Open python shell in the same directory and run this:

import os
for name in ['training', 'testing']:
    with open('mnist_dataset_{}.csv'.format(name), 'w') as output_file:
        print('=== creating {} dataset ==='.format(name))
        for i in range(10):
            path = '{}/{}'.format(name, i)
            for file in os.listdir(path):
                if file.endswith(".png"):
                    output_file.write('{},{}\n'.format(os.path.join(path, file), str(i)))

Now you should have mnist_dataset_training.csv and mnist_dataset_testing.csv containing 60000 and 10000 examples correspondingly and having the following format

image_path label
training/0/16585.png 0
training/0/24537.png 0
training/0/25629.png 0

Train a model

From the directory where you have virtual environment with ludwig installed:

ludwig train \
  --config_file config.yaml

With config.yaml:

        name: image_path
        type: image
        encoder: stacked_cnn
                num_filters: 32
                filter_size: 3
                pool_size: 2
                pool_stride: 2
                num_filters: 64
                filter_size: 3
                pool_size: 2
                pool_stride: 2
                dropout: 0.4
                fc_size: 128
                dropout: 0.4

        name: label
        type: category

    early_stop: 5

Image Captioning

image_path caption
imagenet/image_000001.jpg car driving on the street
imagenet/image_000002.jpg dog barking at a cat
imagenet/image_000003.jpg boat sailing in the ocean
ludwig experiment \
--dataset image captioning.csv \
  --config_file config.yaml

With config.yaml:

        name: image_path
        type: image
        encoder: stacked_cnn

        name: caption
        type: text
        level: word
        decoder: generator
        cell_type: lstm