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Combiners are the part of the model that take the outputs of the encoders of all input features and combine them before providing the combined representation to the different output decoders.

You can specify which one to use in the combiner section of the configuration, and if you don't specify a combiner, the concat combiner will be used.

Concat Combiner

The concat combiner assumes all outputs from encoders are tensors of size b x h where b is the batch size and h is the hidden dimension, which can be different for each input. If inputs are tensors with different shapes, set the flatten_inputs parameter to true. It concatenates along the h dimension, and then (optionally) passes the concatenated tensor through a stack of fully connected layers. It returns the final b x h' tensor where h' is the size of the last fully connected layer or the sum of the sizes of the h of all inputs in the case there are no fully connected layers. If there's only one input feature and no fully connected layers are specified, the output of the input feature is just passed through as output.

|Input      |
|Feature 1  +-+
+-----------+ |            +---------+
+-----------+ | +------+   |Fully    |
|...        +--->Concat+--->Connected+->
+-----------+ | +------+   |Layers   |
+-----------+ |            +---------+
|Input      +-+
|Feature N  |

These are the available parameters of a concat combiner:

  • fc_layers (default null): it is a list of dictionaries containing the parameters of all the fully connected layers. The length of the list determines the number of stacked fully connected layers and the content of each dictionary determines the parameters for a specific layer. The available parameters for each layer are: fc_size, norm, activation, dropout, initializer and regularize. If any of those values is missing from the dictionary, the default one specified as a parameter of the decoder will be used instead.
  • num_fc_layers (default 0): this is the number of stacked fully connected layers that the input to the feature passes through. Their output is projected in the feature's output space.
  • fc_size (default 256): if a fc_size is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default fc_size that will be used for each layer. It indicates the size of the output of a fully connected layer.
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • weights_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the weights matrix. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • bias_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • activity_regularizer (default null): regurlizer function applied to the output of the layer. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • norm (default null): if a norm is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default norm that will be used for each layer. It indicates the norm of the output and it can be null, batch or layer.
  • norm_params (default null): parameters used if norm is either batch or layer. For information on parameters used with batch see Tensorflow's documentation on batch normalization or for layer see Tensorflow's documentation on layer normalization.
  • activation (default relu): if an activation is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default activation that will be used for each layer. It indicates the activation function applied to the output.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate.
  • flatten_inputs (default false): if true flatten the tensors from all the input features into a vector.
  • residual (default false): if true adds a residual connection to each fully connected layer block. It is required that all fully connected layers have the same size for this parameter to work correctly.

Example configuration of a concat combiner:

type: concat
fc_layers: null
num_fc_layers: 0
fc_size: 256
use_bias: true
weights_initializer: 'glorot_uniform'
bias_initializer: 'zeros'
weights_regularizer: null
bias_regularizer: null
activity_regularizer: null
norm: null
norm_params: null
activation: relu
dropout: 0
flatten_inputs: false
residual: false

Sequence Concat Combiner

The sequence?concat combiner assumes at least one output from encoders is a tensors of size b x s x h where b is the batch size, s is the length of the sequence and h is the hidden dimension. The sequence / text / sequential input can be specified with the main_sequence_feature parameter that should have the name of the sequential feature as value. If no main_sequence_feature is specified, the combiner will look through all the features in the order they are defined in the configuration and will look for a feature with a rank 3 tensor output (sequence, text or time series). If it cannot find one it will raise an exception, otherwise the output of that feature will be used for concatenating the other features along the sequence s dimension.

If there are other input features with a rank 3 output tensor, the combiner will concatenate them alongside the s dimension, which means that all of them must have identical s dimension, otherwise an error will be thrown. Specifically, as the placeholders of the sequential features are of dimension [None, None] in order to make the BucketedBatcher trim longer sequences to their actual length, the check if the sequences are of the same length cannot be performed at model building time, and a dimension mismatch error will be returned during training when a datapoint with two sequential features of different lengths are provided.

Other features that have a b x h rank 2 tensor output will be replicated s times and concatenated to the s dimension. The final output is a b x s x h' tensor where h' is the size of the concatenation of the h dimensions of all input features.


|emb seq 1|
|...      +--+
+---------+  |  +-----------------+
|emb seq n|  |  |emb seq 1|emb oth|   +------+
+---------+  |  +-----------------+   |      |
             +-->...      |...    +-->+Reduce+->
Other        |  +-----------------+   |      |
Feature      |  |emb seq n|emb oth|   +------+
Output       |  +-----------------+
+-------+    |
|emb oth+----+

These are the available parameters of a sequence_concat combiner:

  • main_sequence_feature (default null): name of the sequence / text/ time series feature to concatenate the outputs of the other features to. If no main_sequence_feature is specified, the combiner will look through all the features in the order they are defined in the configuration and will look for a feature with a rank 3 tensor output (sequence, text or time series). If it cannot find one it will raise an exception, otherwise the output of that feature will be used for concatenating the other features along the sequence s dimension. If there are other input features with a rank 3 output tensor, the combiner will concatenate them alongside the s dimension, which means that all of them must have identical s dimension, otherwise an error will be thrown.
  • reduce_output (default null): describes the strategy to use to aggregate the embeddings of the items of the set. Possible values are null, sum, mean and sqrt (the weighted sum divided by the square root of the sum of the squares of the weights).

Example configuration of a sequence_concat combiner:

type: sequence_concat
main_sequence_feature: null
reduce_output: null

Sequence Combiner

The sequence combiner stacks a sequence concat combiner with a sequence encoder one on top of each other. All the considerations about inputs tensor ranks describer for the sequence concat combiner apply also in this case, but the main difference is that this combiner uses the b x s x h' output of the sequence concat combiner, where b is the batch size, s is the sequence length and h' is the sum of the hidden dimensions of all input features, as input for any of the sequence encoders described in the sequence features encoders section. Refer to that section for more detailed information about the sequence encoders and their parameters. Also all the considerations on the shape of the outputs done for the sequence encoders apply in this case too.


|emb seq 1|
|...      +--+
+---------+  |  +-----------------+
|emb seq n|  |  |emb seq 1|emb oth|   +--------+
+---------+  |  +-----------------+   |Sequence|
             +-->...      |...    +-->+Encoder +->
Other        |  +-----------------+   |        |
Feature      |  |emb seq n|emb oth|   +--------+
Output       |  +-----------------+
+-------+    |
|emb oth+----+

Example configuration of a sequence combiner:

type: sequence
main_sequence_feature: null
encoder: parallel_cnn
... encoder parameters ...

TabNet Combiner

The tabnet combiner implements the TabNet model, which uses attention and sparsity to achieve high performnce on tabular data. It assumes all outputs from encoders are tensors of size b x h where b is the batch size and h is the hidden dimension, which can be different for each input. If the input tensors have a different shape, it automatically flattens them. It returns the final b x h' tensor where h' is the user-specified output size.

|Input      |
|Feature 1  +-+
+-----------+ |            
+-----------+ | +------+   
|...        +--->TabNet+-->
+-----------+ | +------+   
+-----------+ |            
|Input      +-+
|Feature N  |

These are the available parameters of a tabnet combiner:

  • size: the size of the hidden layers. N_a in the paper.
  • output_size: the size of the output of each step and of the final aggregated representation. N_d in the paper.
  • num_steps (default 1): number of steps / repetitions of the the attentive transformer and feature transformer computations. N_steps in the paper.
  • num_total_blocks (default 4): total number of feature transformer block at each step.
  • num_shared_blocks (default 2): number of shared feature transformer blocks across the steps.
  • relaxation_factor (default 1.5): Factor that influences how many times a feature should be used across the steps of computation. a value of 1 implies it each feature should be use once, a higher value allows for multiple usages. gamma in the paper.
  • bn_epsilon (default 0.001): epsilon to be added to the batch norm denominator.
  • bn_momentum (default 0.7): momentum of the batch norm. m_B in the paper.
  • bn_virtual_bs (default null): size of the virtual batch size used by ghost batch norm. If null, regular batch norm is used instead. B_v from the paper.
  • sparsity (default 0.00001): multiplier of the sparsity inducing loss. lambda_sparse in the paper.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate.

Example configuration of a tabnet combiner:

type: tabnet
size: 32
ooutput_size: 32
num_steps: 5
num_total_blocks: 4
num_shared_blocks: 2
relaxation_factor: 1.5
bn_epsilon: 0.001
bn_momentum: 0.7
bn_virtual_bs: 128
sparsity: 0.00001
dropout: 0

Transformer Combiner

The transformer combiner combines imput features using a stack of Transformer blocks (from Attention Is All You Need). It assumes all outputs from encoders are tensors of size b x h where b is the batch size and h is the hidden dimension, which can be different for each input. If the input tensors have a different shape, it automatically flattens them. It then projects each input tensor to the same hidden / embedding size and encodes them wit ha stack of Tranformer layers. Finally it applies an reduction to the outputs of the Transformer stack and applies optional fully connected layers. It returns the final b x h' tensor where h' is the size of the last fully connected layer or the hidden / embedding size , or it returns b x n x h' where n is the number of input features and h' is the hidden / embedding size if there's no reduction applied.

|Input      |
|Feature 1  +-+
+-----------+ |            
+-----------+ |  +------------+   +------+   +----------+
|...        +--->|Transformer +-->|Reduce+-->|Fully     +->
|           | |  |Stack       |   +------+   |Connected |
+-----------+ |  +------------+              |Layers    |
+-----------+ |                              +----------+            
|Input      +-+
|Feature N  |

These are the available parameters of a transformer combiner:

  • num_layers (default 1): number of layers in the stack of transformer bloks.
  • hidden_size (default 256): hidden / embedding size of each transformer block.
  • num_heads (default 8): number of heads of each transformer block.
  • transformer_fc_size (default 256): size of the fully connected layers inside each transformer block.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate after the transformer.
  • fc_layers (default null): it is a list of dictionaries containing the parameters of all the fully connected layers. The length of the list determines the number of stacked fully connected layers and the content of each dictionary determines the parameters for a specific layer. The available parameters for each layer are: fc_size, norm, activation, dropout, initializer and regularize. If any of those values is missing from the dictionary, the default one specified as a parameter of the decoder will be used instead.
  • num_fc_layers (default 0): this is the number of stacked fully connected layers that the input to the feature passes through. Their output is projected in the feature's output space.
  • fc_size (default 256): if a fc_size is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default fc_size that will be used for each layer. It indicates the size of the output of a fully connected layer.
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • weights_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the weights matrix. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • bias_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • activity_regularizer (default null): regurlizer function applied to the output of the layer. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • norm (default null): if a norm is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default norm that will be used for each layer. It indicates the norm of the output and it can be null, batch or layer.
  • norm_params (default null): parameters used if norm is either batch or layer. For information on parameters used with batch see Tensorflow's documentation on batch normalization or for layer see Tensorflow's documentation on layer normalization.
  • activation (default relu): if an activation is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default activation that will be used for each layer. It indicates the activation function applied to the output.
  • fc_dropout (default 0): dropout rate for the fully connected layers.
  • fc_residual (default false): if true adds a residual connection to each fully connected layer block. It is required that all fully connected layers have the same size for this parameter to work correctly.
  • reduce_output (default mean): describes the strategy to use to aggregate the embeddings of the items of the set. Possible values are sum, mean and sqrt (the weighted sum divided by the square root of the sum of the squares of the weights).

Example configuration of a transformer combiner:

type: transformer
num_layers: 1
hidden_size: 256
num_heads: 8
transformer_fc_size: 256
dropout: 0.1
fc_layers: null
num_fc_layers: 0
fc_size: 256
use_bias: True
weights_initializer: glorot_uniform
bias_initializer: zeros
weights_regularizer: null
bias_regularizer: null
activity_regularizer: null
norm: null
norm_params: null
fc_activation: relu
fc_dropout: 0
fc_residual: null
reduce_output: mean

Comparator Combiner

The comparator combiner compares the hidden representation of two entities definef by lists of features. It assumes all outputs from encoders are tensors of size b x h where b is the batch size and h is the hidden dimension, which can be different for each input. If the input tensors have a different shape, it automatically flattens them. It then concatenates the representations of each entity end projects them into the same size. Finally it compares the two entity representations by dot product, element-wise multiplication, absolute difference and bilinear product. It returns the final b x h' tensor where h' is the size of the concatenation of the four comparisons.

|Entity 1   |
|Input      |
|Feature 1  +-+
+-----------+ |            
+-----------+ |  +-------+   +----------+
|...        +--->|Concat +-->|FC Layers +--+
|           | |  +-------+   +----------+  |
+-----------+ |                            |
+-----------+ |                            |     
|Entity 1   +-+                            |
|Input      |                              |
|Feature N  |                              |
+-----------+                              |   +---------+
                                           +-->| Compare +->
+-----------+                              |   +---------+
|Entity 2   |                              |
|Input      |                              |
|Feature 1  +-+                            |
+-----------+ |                            |
+-----------+ |  +-------+   +----------+  |
|...        +--->|Concat +-->|FC Layers +--+
|           | |  +-------+   +----------+
+-----------+ |             
+-----------+ |                                   
|Entity 2   +-+
|Input      |
|Feature N  |

These are the available parameters of a comparator combiner:

  • entity_1: list of input features that compose the first entity to compare.
  • entity_2: list of input features that compose the second entity to compare.
  • num_fc_layers (default 0): this is the number of stacked fully connected layers that the input to the feature passes through. Their output is projected in the feature's output space.
  • fc_size (default 256): if a fc_size is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default fc_size that will be used for each layer. It indicates the size of the output of a fully connected layer.
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • weights_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the weights matrix. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • bias_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • activity_regularizer (default null): regurlizer function applied to the output of the layer. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • norm (default null): if a norm is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default norm that will be used for each layer. It indicates the norm of the output and it can be null, batch or layer.
  • norm_params (default null): parameters used if norm is either batch or layer. For information on parameters used with batch see Tensorflow's documentation on batch normalization or for layer see Tensorflow's documentation on layer normalization.
  • activation (default relu): if an activation is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default activation that will be used for each layer. It indicates the activation function applied to the output.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate for the fully connected layers.

Example configuration of a comparator combiner:

type: comparator
entity_1: [feature_1, feature_2]
entity_3: [feature_3, feature_4]
fc_layers: null
num_fc_layers: 0
fc_size: 256
use_bias: true
weights_initializer: 'glorot_uniform'
bias_initializer: 'zeros'
weights_regularizer: null
bias_regularizer: null
activity_regularizer: null
norm: null
norm_params: null
activation: relu
dropout: 0