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Visualize Command

Several visualizations can be obtained from the result files from both train, predict and experiment by using the ludwig visualize command. The command has several parameters, but not all the visualizations use all of them. Let's first present the parameters of the general script, and then, for each available visualization, we will discuss about the specific parameters needed and what visualization they produce.

usage: ludwig visualize [options]

This script analyzes results and shows some nice plots.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --ground_truth GROUND_TRUTH
                        ground truth file
  -gm, --ground_truth_metadata GROUND_TRUTH_METADATA
                        input metadata JSON file
  -sf, --split_file SPLIT_FILE
                        file containing split values used in conjunction with
                        ground truth file.
  -od, --output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
                        directory where to save plots.  If not specified, plots
                        will be displayed in a window
  -ff, --file_format {pdf,png}
                        file format of output plots
  -v, --visualization {
                        The type of visualization to generate
  -ofn, --output_feature_name OUTPUT_FEATURE_NAME
                        name of the output feature to visualize
  -gts, --ground_truth_split GROUND_TRUTH_SPLIT
                        ground truth split - 0:train, 1:validation, 2:test split
                        names of output features for 2d threshold
  -pred, --predictions PREDICTIONS [PREDICTIONS ...]
                        predictions files
  -prob, --probabilities PROBABILITIES [PROBABILITIES ...]
                        probabilities files
  -trs, --training_statistics TRAINING_STATISTICS [TRAINING_STATISTICS ...]
                        training stats files
  -tes, --test_statistics TEST_STATISTICS [TEST_STATISTICS ...]
                        test stats files
  -hs, --hyperopt_stats_path HYPEROPT_STATS_PATH
                        hyperopt stats file
  -mn, --model_names MODEL_NAMES [MODEL_NAMES ...]
                        names of the models to use as labels
  -tn, --top_n_classes TOP_N_CLASSES [TOP_N_CLASSES ...]
                        number of classes to plot
  -k, --top_k TOP_K
                        number of elements in the ranklist to consider
  -ll, --labels_limit LABELS_LIMIT
                        maximum numbers of labels. Encoded numeric label values in
                        dataset that are higher than labels_limit are considered to
                        be "rare" labels
  -ss, --subset {ground_truth,predictions}
                        type of subset filtering
  -n, --normalize       normalize rows in confusion matrix
  -m, --metrics METRICS [METRICS ...]
                        metrics to dispay in threshold_vs_metric
  -pl, --positive_label POSITIVE_LABEL
                        label of the positive class for the roc curve
  -l, --logging_level {critical, error, warning, info, debug, notset}
                        the level of logging to use

Some additional information on the parameters:

  • The list parameters are all aligned. In other words, predictions, probabilities, training_statistics, test_statistics and model_names are parallel arrays, and the nth entry of model_names should be the name of the model corresponding to the nth entry of predictions.
  • ground_truth and ground_truth_metadata are respectively the HDF5 and JSON file obtained during training preprocessing. If you plan to use visualizations do not use --skip_save_preprocessing when training. Those files contain the train/test split performed at preprocessing time.
  • output_feature_name is the output feature to use for creating the visualization.

Other parameters will be detailed for each visualization as different ones use them differently.


Example commands to generate the visualizations are based on running two experiments and comparing them. The experiments themselves are run with the following:

ludwig experiment --experiment_name titanic --model_name Model1 --dataset train.csv -cf titanic_model1.yaml
ludwig experiment --experiment_name titanic --model_name Model2 --dataset train.csv -cf titanic_model2.yaml

To run these examples, you need to download the Titanic Kaggle competition dataset to get train.csv. Note that the example images associated with each visualization below were generated using a different dataset. The two models are defined with titanic_model1.yaml

        name: Pclass
        type: category
        name: Sex
        type: category
        name: Age
        type: number
          missing_value_strategy: fill_with_mean
        name: SibSp
        type: number
        name: Parch
        type: number
        name: Fare
        type: number
          missing_value_strategy: fill_with_mean
        name: Embarked
        type: category

        name: Survived
        type: binary

and with titanic_model2.yaml:

        name: Pclass
        type: category
        name: Sex
        type: category
        name: SibSp
        type: number
        name: Parch
        type: number
        name: Embarked
        type: category

        name: Survived
        type: binary

Learning Curves


Parameters for this visualization:

  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • training_statistics
  • model_names

For each model (in the aligned lists of training_statistics and model_names) and for each output feature and metric of the model, it produces a line plot showing how that metric changed over the course of the epochs of training on the training and validation sets. If output_feature_name is not specified, then all output features are plotted.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization learning_curves \
  --output_feature_name Survived \
  --training_statistics results/titanic_Model1_0/training_statistics.json \
       results/titanic_Model2_0/training_statistics.json \
  --model_names Model1 Model2

Learning Curves Loss

Learning Curves Accuracy

Confusion Matrix


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • test_statistics
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes
  • normalize

For each model (in the aligned lists of test_statistics and model_names) it produces a heatmap of the confusion matrix in the predictions for each field that has a confusion matrix in test_statistics. The value of top_n_classes limits the heatmap to the n most frequent classes.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization confusion_matrix \
  --ground_truth_metadata results/titanic_Model1_0/model/train_set_metadata.json \
  --test_statistics results/titanic_Model1_0/test_statistics.json \
  --top_n_classes 2

Confusion Matrix

The second plot produced is a bar chart showing the entropy of each class, ranked from most entropic to least entropic.

Confusion Matrix Entropy

Compare Performance


Parameters for this visualization:

  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • test_statistics
  • model_names

For each model (in the aligned lists of test_statistics and model_names) it produces bars in a bar plot, one for each overall metric available in the test_statistics file for the specified output_feature_name.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization compare_performance \
  --output_feature_name Survived \
  --test_statistics results/titanic_Model1_0/test_statistics.json \
       results/titanic_Model2_0/test_statistics.json \
  --model_names Model1 Model2

Compare Classifiers Performance


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must be the name of category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names) it produces bars in a bar plot, one for each overall metric computed from the probabilities of predictions for the specified output_feature_name.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization compare_classifiers_performance_from_prob \
  --ground_truth train.hdf5 \
  --output_feature_name Survived \
  --probabilities results/titanic_Model1_0/Survived_probabilities.csv \
        results/titanic_Model2_0/Survived_probabilities.csv \
  --model_names Model1 Model2

Compare Classifiers Performance from Probabilities


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • predictions
  • model_names
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of predictions and model_names) it produces bars in a bar plot, one for each overall metric computed on the fly from the predictions for the specified output_feature_name.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization compare_classifiers_performance_from_pred \
  --ground_truth train.hdf5 \
  --ground_truth_metadata train.json \
  --output_feature_name Survived \
  --predictions results/titanic_Model1_0/Survived_predictions.csv \
        results/titanic_Model2_0/Survived_predictions.csv \
  --model_names Model1 Model2

Compare Classifiers Performance from Predictions


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes
  • labels_limit
  • subset

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of predictions and model_names) it produces bars in a bar plot, one for each overall metric computed on the fly from the probabilities predictions for the specified output_feature_name, considering only a subset of the full training set. The way the subset is obtained is using the top_n_classes and subset parameters.

If the values of subset is ground_truth, then only datapoints where the ground truth class is within the top n most frequent ones will be considered as test set, and the percentage of datapoints that have been kept from the original set will be displayed.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization compare_classifiers_performance_subset \
  --ground_truth train.hdf5 \
  --ground_truth_metadata train.json \
  --output_feature_name Survived \
  --probabilities results/titanic_Model1_0/Survived_probabilities.csv \
           results/titanic_Model2_0/Survived_probabilities.csv \
  --model_names Model1 Model2 \
  --top_n_classes 2 \
  --subset ground_truth

Compare Classifiers Performance Subset Ground Truth

If the values of subset is predictions, then only datapoints where the model predicts a class that is within the top n most frequent ones will be considered as test set, and the percentage of datapoints that have been kept from the original set will be displayed for each model.

Compare Classifiers Performance Subset Ground Predictions


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • top_k
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names) it produces a line plot that shows the Hits@K metric (that counts a prediction as correct if the model produces it among the first k) while changing k from 1 to top_k for the specified output_feature_name.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization compare_classifiers_performance_changing_k \
  --ground_truth train.hdf5 \
  --output_feature_name Survived \
  --probabilities results/titanic_Model1_0/Survived_probabilities.csv \
         results/titanic_Model2_0/Survived_probabilities.csv \
  --model_names Model1 Model2 \
  --top_k 5

Compare Classifiers Performance Changing K


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • test_statistics
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of test_statistics and model_names) it produces four plots that show the precision, recall and F1 of the model on several classes for the specified output_feature_name.

The first one shows the metrics on the n most frequent classes.

Multiclass Multimetric top k

The second one shows the metrics on the n classes where the model performs the best.

Multiclass Multimetric best k

The third one shows the metrics on the n classes where the model performs the worst.

Multiclass Multimetric worst k

The fourth one shows the metrics on all the classes, sorted by their frequency. This will become unreadable if the number of classes is too high.

Multiclass Multimetric sorted

Compare Classifier Predictions


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • predictions
  • model_names
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category feature and there must be two and only two models (in the aligned lists of predictions and model_names). This visualization produces a pie chart comparing the predictions of the two models for the specified output_feature_name.

Example command:

ludwig visualize --visualization compare_classifiers_predictions \
  --ground_truth train.hdf5 \
  --output_feature_name Survived \
  --predictions results/titanic_Model1_0/Survived_predictions.csv \
          results/titanic_Model2_0/Survived_predictions.csv \
  --model_names Model1 Model2

Compare Classifiers Predictions


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • predictions
  • model_names
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category feature. This visualization produces a radar plot comparing the distributions of predictions of the models for the first 10 classes of the specified output_feature_name.

Compare Classifiers Predictions Distribution

Confidence Thresholding


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names) it produces a pair of lines indicating the accuracy of the model and the data coverage while increasing a threshold (x axis) on the probabilities of predictions for the specified output_feature_name.



Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names) it produces a line indicating the accuracy of the model and the data coverage while increasing a threshold on the probabilities of predictions for the specified output_feature_name. The difference with confidence_thresholding is that it uses two axes instead of three, not visualizing the threshold and having coverage as x axis instead of the threshold.

Confidence_Thresholding Data vs Accuracy


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes
  • labels_limit
  • subset

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names) it produces a line indicating the accuracy of the model and the data coverage while increasing a threshold on the probabilities of predictions for the specified output_feature_name, considering only a subset of the full training set. The way the subset is obtained is using the top_n_classes and subset parameters. The difference with confidence_thresholding is that it uses two axes instead of three, not visualizing the threshold and having coverage as x axis instead of the threshold.

If the values of subset is ground_truth, then only datapoints where the ground truth class is within the top n most frequent ones will be considered as test set, and the percentage of datapoints that have been kept from the original set will be displayed. If the values of subset is predictions, then only datapoints where the model predicts a class that is within the top n most frequent ones will be considered as test set, and the percentage of datapoints that have been kept from the original set will be displayed for each model.

Confidence_Thresholding Data vs Accuracy Subset


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes
  • labels_limit
  • subset

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names) it produces a line indicating the accuracy of the model and the data coverage while increasing a threshold on the probabilities of predictions for the specified output_feature_name, considering only a subset of the full training set. The way the subset is obtained is using the top_n_classes and subset parameters. The difference with confidence_thresholding is that it uses two axes instead of three, not visualizing the threshold and having coverage as x axis instead of the threshold.

If the values of subset is ground_truth, then only datapoints where the ground truth class is within the top n most frequent ones will be considered as test set, and the percentage of datapoints that have been kept from the original set will be displayed. If the values of subset is predictions, then only datapoints where the model predicts a class that is within the top n most frequent ones will be considered as test set, and the percentage of datapoints that have been kept from the original set will be displayed for each model.

The difference with confidence_thresholding_data_vs_acc_subset is that it produces one plot per class within the top_n_classes.

Confidence_Thresholding Data vs Accuracy Subset per class 1

Confidence_Thresholding Data vs Accuracy Subset per class 4


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • ground_truth_split
  • threshold_output_feature_names
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • labels_limit

threshold_output_feature_names need to be exactly two, either category or binary. probabilities need to be exactly two, aligned with threshold_output_feature_names. model_names has to be exactly one. Three plots are produced.

The first plot shows several semi transparent lines. They summarize the 3d surfaces displayed by confidence_thresholding_2thresholds_3d that have thresholds on the confidence of the predictions of the two threshold_output_feature_names as x and y axes and either the data coverage percentage or the accuracy as z axis. Each line represents a slice of the data coverage surface projected onto the accuracy surface.

Confidence_Thresholding two thresholds 2D Multiline

The second plot shows the max of all the lines displayed in the first plot.

Confidence_Thresholding two thresholds 2D Maxline

The third plot shows the max line and the values of the thresholds that obtained a specific data coverage vs accuracy pair of values.

Confidence_Thresholding two thresholds 2D Accuracy and Thresholds


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • ground_truth_split
  • threshold_output_feature_names
  • probabilities
  • labels_limit

threshold_output_feature_names need to be exactly two, either category or binary. probabilities need to be exactly two, aligned with threshold_output_feature_names. The plot shows the 3d surfaces displayed by confidence_thresholding_2thresholds_3d that have thresholds on the confidence of the predictions of the two threshold_output_feature_names as x and y axes and either the data coverage percentage or the accuracy as z axis.

Confidence_Thresholding two thresholds 3D

Binary Threshold vs. Metric


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • metrics
  • positive_label

output_feature_name can be a category or binary feature. For each metric specified in metrics (options are f1, precision, recall, accuracy), this visualization produces a line chart plotting a threshold on the confidence of the model against the metric for the specified output_feature_name. If output_feature_name is a category feature, positive_label indicates which class is to be considered the positive class, all others will be considered negative. positive_label must be an integer, to find the integer label associated with a class check the ground_truth_metadata JSON file.


ROC Curves


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • positive_label

output_feature_name can be a category or binary feature. This visualization produces a line chart plotting the roc curves for the specified output_feature_name. If output_feature_name is a category feature, positive_label indicates which class is considered the positive class, all others will be considered negative. positive_label must be an integer, to find the integer label associated with a class check the ground_truth_metadata JSON file.

ROC Curves


Parameters for this visualization:

  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • test_statistics
  • model_names

output_feature_name must name a binary feature. This visualization produces a line chart plotting the roc curves for the specified output_feature_name.

ROC Curves from Prediction Statistics

Precision Recall Curves


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • positive_label

output_feature_name can be a category or binary feature. This visualization produces a line chart plotting the precision recall curves for the specified output_feature_name. If output_feature_name is a category feature, positive_label indicates which class is considered the positive class, all others will be considered negative. positive_label must be an integer, to find the integer label associated with a class check the ground_truth_metadata JSON file.

Precision Recall Curves


Parameters for this visualization:

  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • test_statistics
  • model_names

output_feature_name must name a binary feature. This visualization produces a line chart plotting the precision recall curves for the specified output_feature_name.

Precision Recall Curves from Prediction Statistics

Calibration Plot


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category or binary feature. For each class or each of the n most frequent classes if top_n_classes is specified, it produces two plots computed from the probabilities of predictions for the specified output_feature_name.

The first plot is a calibration curve that shows the calibration of the predictions considering the current class to be the true one and all others to be a false one, drawing one line for each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names).

Calibration 1 vs All Curve

The second plot shows the distributions of the predictions considering the current class to be the true one and all others to be a false one, drawing the distribution for each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names).

Calibration 1 vs All Counts


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth
  • split_file
  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • ground_truth_split
  • probabilities
  • model_names
  • labels_limit

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each class, produces two plots computed from the probabilities of predictions for the specified output_feature_name.

The first plot is a calibration curve that shows the calibration of the predictions considering all classes, drawing one line for each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names).

Calibration Multiclass Curve

The second plot shows a bar plot of the Brier score (which calculates how calibrated are the probabilities of the predictions of a model), drawing one bar for each model (in the aligned lists of probabilities and model_names).

Calibration Multiclass Brier

Class Frequency vs. F1 score


Parameters for this visualization:

  • ground_truth_metadata
  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • output_feature_name
  • test_statistics
  • model_names
  • top_n_classes

output_feature_name must name a category feature. For each model (in the aligned lists of test_statistics and model_names), produces two plots statistics of predictions for the specified output_feature_name.

Generates plots for top_n_classes. The first plot is a line plot with one x axis representing the different classes and two vertical axes colored in orange and blue respectively. The orange one is the frequency of the class and an orange line is plotted to show the trend. The blue one is the F1 score for that class and a blue line is plotted to show the trend. The classes on the x axis are sorted by F1 score.

Frequency vs F1 sorted by F1

The second plot has the same structure as the first one, but the axes are flipped and the classes on the x axis are sorted by frequency.

Frequency vs F1 sorted by Frequency

Hyperparameter optimization visualization

The examples of the hyperparameter visualizations shown here are obtained by running a random search with 100 samples on the ATIS dataset used for classifying intents given user utterances.


Parameters for this visualization:

  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • hyperopt_stats_path

The visualization creates one plot for each hyperparameter in the file at hyperopt_stats_path vs the metric hyperopt was optimized for (for e.g., loss), plus an additional one containing a pair plot of hyperparameters interactions.

Each plot will show the distribution of the parameters with respect to the metric to optimize. For float and int parameters a scatter plot is used, while for category parameters a Raincloud plot is used instead. Raincloud plots can visualize raw data, probability density, and key summary statistics such as median, mean, and relevant confidence intervals with minimal redundancy.

Float parameter hyperopt plot

Float hyperopt plot

Integer parameter hyperopt plot

Int hyperopt plot

Category parameter hyperopt plot

Category hyperopt plot


For category type parameters, raincloud plots are only created if there are enough hyperopt trials trained so that there are 2 or more trials per parameter value. Otherwise, a stripplot (a type of categorical scatterplot) is created.

The pair plot shows a heatmap of how the values of pairs of hyperparameters correlate with the metric to optimize.

Pait hyperopt plot


Parameters for this visualization:

  • output_directory
  • file_format
  • hyperopt_stats_path

The visualization creates an interactive HTML page visualizing all the results from the hyperparameter optimization at once using a parallel coordinate plot.


This plot is only created if there is more than one parameter in the hyperopt parameter space.

Hiplot hyperopt plot


Users can visualize raw training metrics on Tensorboard with:

tensorboard --logdir </path/to/model>/log