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Multimodal Classification

This example shows how to build a multimodal classifier with Ludwig.

If you'd like to run this example interactively in Colab, open one of these notebooks and try it out:

  • Ludwig CLI: Multimodal Classification with Ludwig CLI
  • Ludwig Python API: Multimodal Classification with Ludwig Python API

Note: you will need your Kaggle API token

We'll be using the twitter human-bots dataset, originally uploaded to Kaggle by David MartΓ­n GutiΓ©rrez. The dataset is composed of 37438 rows each corresponding to a Twitter user account. Each row contains 20 feature columns collected via the Twitter API. These features contain multiple data modalities, including the account description and the profile image.

The target column account_type has two unique values: bot or human. 25013 user accounts were annotated as human accounts, the remaining 12425 are bots.

This dataset contains 20 columns, but we'll only use these 16 (15 input + 1 target):

column type description
default_profile binary Does the account have a default profile
default_profile_image binary Does the account have a default profile image
description text User account description
favorites_count number Total number of favorited tweets
followers_count number Total number of followers
friends_count number Total number of friends
geo_enabled binary Does the account has the geographic location enabled
lang category Language of the account
location category Location of the account
profile_background_image_path image Profile background image path
profile_image_path image Profile image path
statuses_count number Total number of tweets
verified binary Has the account been verified
average_tweets_per_day number Average tweets posted per day
account_age_days number Account age measured in days
account_type binary "human" or "bot", true if the account is a bot

Kaggle API Token (kaggle.json)

To download datasets using the Kaggle CLI, you'll need a Kaggle API Token.

If you already have one, it should be installed at ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json. Run this command in a shell, and copy the output:

cat ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

If you don't have a kaggle.json file:

  1. Sign in to Kaggle. If you don't already have an account, create one.
  2. Go to "Account", and click the "Create New API Token" button. This should start the download. Create New API Token
  3. Following the Kaggle instructions, copy your kaggle.json from its download location to a directory called .kaggle in your home directory.
  4. If you want to run this example in either of the example Colab notebooks, open kaggle.json and copy its contents to the clipboard. The kaggle.json file should look similar to:

Download Dataset

Downloads the dataset and creates twitter_human_bots_dataset.csv in the current directory.

# Downloads the dataset to the current working directory
kaggle datasets download danieltreiman/twitter-human-bots-dataset

# Unzips the downloaded dataset, creates twitter_human_bots_dataset.csv
unzip -q -o


Define ludwig config

The Ludwig config declares the machine learning task: which columns to use, their datatypes, and which columns to predict.


There are only 20 unique background images, so we've declared profile_background_image_path as a category instead of an image. Image encoders need a large number of unique images to perform well and will quickly overfit given such a small sample.

With config.yaml:

  - name: default_profile
    type: binary
  - name: default_profile_image
    type: binary
  - name: description
    type: text
  - name: favourites_count
    type: number
  - name: followers_count
    type: number
  - name: friends_count
    type: number
  - name: geo_enabled
    type: binary
  - name: lang
    type: category
  - name: location
    type: category
  - name: profile_background_image_path
    type: category
  - name: profile_image_path
    type: image
  - name: statuses_count
    type: number
  - name: verified
    type: binary
  - name: average_tweets_per_day
    type: number
  - name: account_age_days
    type: number
  - name: account_type
    type: binary

With config defined in a python dict:

config = {
  "input_features": [
      "name": "default_profile",
      "type": "binary",
      "name": "default_profile_image",
      "type": "binary",
      "name": "description",
      "type": "text",
      "name": "favourites_count",
      "type": "number",
      "name": "followers_count",
      "type": "number",
      "name": "friends_count",
      "type": "number",
      "name": "geo_enabled",
      "type": "binary",
      "name": "lang",
      "type": "category",
      "name": "location",
      "type": "category",
      "name": "profile_background_image_path",
      "type": "category",
      "name": "profile_image_path",
      "type": "image",
      "name": "statuses_count",
      "type": "number",
      "name": "verified",
      "type": "binary",
      "name": "average_tweets_per_day",
      "type": "number",
      "name": "account_age_days",
      "type": "number",
  "output_features": [
      "name": "account_type",
      "type": "binary",

Create and train a model

ludwig train --dataset twitter_human_bots_dataset.csv -c config.yaml
import pandas as pd

# Reads the dataset from CSV file.
dataset_df = pd.read_csv("twitter_human_bots_dataset.csv")

# Constructs Ludwig model from config dictionary
model = LudwigModel(config, logging_level=logging.INFO)

# Trains the model. This cell might take a few minutes.
train_stats, preprocessed_data, output_directory = model.train(dataset=dataset_df)


Generates predictions and performance statistics for the test set.

ludwig evaluate \
    --model_path results/experiment_run/model \
    --dataset twitter_human_bots_dataset.csv \
    --split test \
    --output_directory test_results
# Generates predictions and performance statistics for the test set.
test_stats, predictions, output_directory = model.evaluate(
  dataset_df[dataset_df.split == 1],

Visualize Metrics

Visualizes confusion matrix, which gives an overview of classifier performance for each class.

ludwig visualize \
    --visualization confusion_matrix \
    --ground_truth_metadata results/experiment_run/model/training_set_metadata.json \
    --test_statistics test_results/test_statistics.json \
    --output_directory visualizations \
    --file_format png
from ludwig.visualize import confusion_matrix

Confusion Matrix Class Entropy
Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix Entropy

Visualizes learning curves, which show how performance metrics changed over time during training.

ludwig visualize \
    --visualization learning_curves \
    --ground_truth_metadata results/experiment_run/model/training_set_metadata.json \
    --training_statistics results/experiment_run/training_statistics.json \
    --file_format png \
    --output_directory visualizations
# Visualizes learning curves, which show how performance metrics changed over time during training.
from ludwig.visualize import learning_curves

learning_curves(train_stats, output_feature_name='account_type')
Losses Metrics
Loss: account_type Accuracy