
After training our first model and using it to predict new data with reasonable accuracy, how can we make the model better?

Ludwig can perform hyperparameter optimization by simply adding hyperopt to the Ludwig config.

    - name: genres
      type: set
    - name: content_rating
      type: category
    - name: top_critic
      type: binary
    - name: runtime
      type: number
    - name: review_content
      type: text
      encoder: embed
    - name: recommended
      type: binary
  goal: maximize
  output_feature: recommended
  metric: accuracy
  split: validation
      space: loguniform
      lower: 0.0001
      upper: 0.1
      space: choice
      categories: [sgd, adam, adagrad]
      space: choice
      categories: [128, 256]
    type: variant_generator
    num_samples: 10

In this example we have specified a basic hyperopt config with the following specifications:

  • We have set the goal to maximize the accuracy metric on the validation split
  • The parameters we are optimizing are the learning rate, the optimizer type, and the embedding_size of text representation to use.
  • When optimizing learning rate we are randomly selecting values on a log scale between 0.0001 and 0.1.
  • When optimizing the optimizer type, we randomly select the optimizer from sgd, adam, and adagrad optimizers.
  • When optimizing the embedding_size of text representation we randomly chose between 128 or 256.
  • We set hyperopt executor to use Ray Tune's variant_generator search algorithm and generates 10 random hyperparameter combinations from the search space we defined. The execution will locally run trials in parallel.
  • Ludwig supports advanced hyperparameter sampling algorithms like Bayesian optimization and genetical algorithms. See this guide for details.

The hyperparameter optimization strategy is run using the ludwig hyperopt command:

ludwig hyperopt --config rotten_tomatoes.yaml --dataset rotten_tomatoes.csv
from ludwig.hyperopt.run import hyperopt
import pandas

df = pandas.read_csv('rotten_tomatoes.csv')
results = hyperopt(config='rotten_tomatoes.yaml', dataset=df)
docker run -t -i --mount type=bind,source={absolute/path/to/rotten_tomatoes_data},target=/rotten_tomatoes_data ludwigai/ludwig hyperopt --config /rotten_tomatoes_data/rotten_tomatoes.yaml --dataset /rotten_tomatoes_data/rotten_tomatoes.csv

Every parameter within the config can be tuned using hyperopt. Refer to the full hyperopt guide to learn more.