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Hyper-parameter Optimization

The hyper-parameter optimization design in Ludwig is based on two abstract interfaces: HyperoptSampler and HyperoptExecutor.

HyperoptSampler represents the sampler adopted for sampling hyper-parameters values. Which sampler to use is defined in the sampler section of the model definition. A Sampler uses the parameters defined in the hyperopt section of the YAML model definition and a goal , either to minimize or maximize. Each sub-class of HyperoptSampler that implements its abstract methods samples parameters according to their definition and type differently (see User Guide for details), like using a random search (implemented in RandomSampler), or a grid serach (implemented in GridSampler, or bayesian optimization or evolutionary techniques.

HyperoptExecutor represents the method used to execute the hyper-parameter optimization, independently of how the values for the hyperparameters are sampled. Available implementations are a serial executor that executes the training with the different sampled hyper-parameters values one at a time (implemented in SerialExecutor), a parallel executor that runs the training using sampled hyper-parameters values in parallel on the same machine (implemented in the ParallelExecutor), and a Fiber-based executor that enables to run the training using sampled hyper-parameters values in parallel on multiple machines within a cluster. A HyperoptExecutor uses a HyperoptSampler to sample hyper-parameters values, usually initializes an execution context, like a multithread pool for instance, and executes the hyper-parameter optimization according to the sampler. First, a new batch of parameters values is sampled from the HyperoptSampler. Then, sampled parameters values are merged with the basic model definition parameters specified, with the sampled parameters values overriding the ones in the basic model definition they refer to. Training is executed using the merged model definition and training and validation losses and metrics are collected. A (sampled_parameters, statistics) pair is provided to the HyperoptSampler.update function and the loop is repeated until all the samples are sampled. At the end, HyperoptExecutor.execute returns a list of dictionaries that include a parameter sample, its metric score, and its training and test statistics. The returned list is printed and saved to disk, so that it can also be used as input to hyper-parameter optimization visualizations.

Adding a HyperoptSampler

1. Add a new sampler class

The source code for the base HyperoptSampler class is in the ludwig/hyperopt/ module. Classes extending the base class should be defined in the same module.

def __init__(self, goal: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any]):

The parameters of the base HyperoptStrategy class constructor are:

  • goal which indicates if to minimize or maximize a metric or a loss of any of the output features on any of the splits which is defined in the hyperopt section
  • parameters which contains all hyper-parameters to optimize with their types and ranges / values.


goal = "minimize"
parameters = {
    "training.learning_rate": {
        "type": "float",
        "low": 0.001,
        "high": 0.1,
        "steps": 4,
        "scale": "linear"
    "combiner.num_fc_layers": {
        "type": "int",
        "low": 2,
        "high": 6,
        "steps": 3

sampler = GridSampler(goal, parameters)
def sample(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:

sample is a method that yields a new sample according to the sampler. It returns a set of parameters names and their values. If finished() returns True, calling sample would return a IndexError.

Example returned value:

{'training.learning_rate': 0.005, 'combiner.num_fc_layers': 2, 'utterance.cell_type': 'gru'}
def sample_batch(self, batch_size: int = 1) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:

sample_batch method returns a list of sampled parameters of length equal to or less than batch_size. If finished() returns True, calling sample_batch would return a IndexError.

Example returned value:

[{'training.learning_rate': 0.005, 'combiner.num_fc_layers': 2, 'utterance.cell_type': 'gru'}, {'training.learning_rate': 0.015, 'combiner.num_fc_layers': 3, 'utterance.cell_type': 'lstm'}]
def update(
    sampled_parameters: Dict[str, Any],
    metric_score: float

update updates the sampler with the results of previous computation.

  • sampled_parameters is a dictionary of sampled parameters.
  • metric_score is the value of the optimization metric obtained for the specified sample.

It is not needed for stateless strategies like grid and random, but is needed for stateful strategies like bayesian and evolutionary ones.


sampled_parameters = {
    'training.learning_rate': 0.005,
    'combiner.num_fc_layers': 2, 
    'utterance.cell_type': 'gru'
metric_score = 2.53463

sampler.update(sampled_parameters, metric_score)
def update_batch(
    parameters_metric_tuples: Iterable[Tuple[Dict[str, Any], float]]

update_batch updates the sampler with the results of previous computation in batch.

  • parameters_metric_tuples a list of pairs of sampled parameters and their respective metric value.

It is not needed for stateless strategies like grid and random, but is needed for stateful strategies like bayesian and evolutionary ones.


sampled_parameters = [
        'training.learning_rate': 0.005,
        'combiner.num_fc_layers': 2, 
        'utterance.cell_type': 'gru'
        'training.learning_rate': 0.015,
        'combiner.num_fc_layers': 5, 
        'utterance.cell_type': 'lstm'
metric_scores = [2.53463, 1.63869]

sampler.update_batch(zip(sampled_parameters, metric_scores))
def finished(self) -> bool:

The finished method return True when all samples have been sampled, return False otherwise.

2. Add the new sampler class to the corresponding sampler registry

The sampler_registry contains a mapping between sampler names in the hyperopt section of model definition and HyperoptSampler sub-classes. To make a new sampler available, add it to the registry:

sampler_registry = {
    "random": RandomSampler,
    "grid": GridSampler,
    "new_sampler_name": NewSamplerClass

Adding a HyperoptExecutor

1. Add a new executor class

The source code for the base HyperoptExecutor class is in the ludwig/utils/ module. Classes extending the base class should be defined in the module.

def __init__(
    hyperopt_sampler: HyperoptSampler,
    output_feature: str,
    metric: str,
    split: str

The parameters of the base HyperoptExecutor class constructor are

  • hyperopt_sampler is a HyperoptSampler object that will be used to sample hyper-parameters values
  • output_feature is a str containing the name of the output feature that we want to optimize the metric or loss of. Available values are combined (default) or the name of any output feature provided in the model definition. combined is a special output feature that allows to optimize for the aggregated loss and metrics of all output features.
  • metric is the metric that we want to optimize for. The default one is loss, but depending on the tye of the feature defined in output_feature, different metrics and losses are available. Check the metrics section of the specific output feature type to figure out what metrics are available to use.
  • split is the split of data that we want to compute our metric on. By default it is the validation split, but you have the flexibility to specify also train or test splits.


goal = "minimize"
parameters = {
            "training.learning_rate": {
                "type": "float",
                "low": 0.001,
                "high": 0.1,
                "steps": 4,
                "scale": "linear"
            "combiner.num_fc_layers": {
                "type": "int",
                "low": 2,
                "high": 6,
                "steps": 3
output_feature = "combined"
metric = "loss"
split = "validation"

grid_sampler = GridSampler(goal, parameters)
executor = SerialExecutor(grid_sampler, output_feature, metric, split)
def execute(

The execute method executes the hyper-parameter optimization. It can leverage the run_experiment function to obtain training and eval statistics and the self.get_metric_score function to extract the metric score from the eval results according to self.output_feature, self.metric and self.split.

2. Add the new executor class to the corresponding executor registry

The executor_registry contains a mapping between executor names in the hyperopt section of model definition and HyperoptExecutor sub-classes. To make a new executor available, add it to the registry:

executor_registry = {
    "serial": SerialExecutor,
    "parallel": ParallelExecutor,
    "fiber": FiberExecutor,
    "new_executor_name": NewExecutorClass