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Set Features

Set Features Preprocessing

Set features are expected to be provided as a string of elements separated by whitespace, e.g. "elem5 elem9 elem6". The string values are transformed into a binary (int8 actually) valued matrix of size n x l (where n is the size of the dataset and l is the minimum of the size of the biggest set and a max_size parameter) and added to HDF5 with a key that reflects the name of column in the dataset. The way sets are mapped into integers consists in first using a tokenizer to map from strings to sequences of set items (by default this is done by splitting on spaces). Then a dictionary of all the different set item strings present in the column of the dataset is collected, then they are ranked by frequency and an increasing integer ID is assigned to them from the most frequent to the most rare (with 0 being assigned to <PAD> used for padding and 1 assigned to <UNK> item). The column name is added to the JSON file, with an associated dictionary containing

  1. the mapping from integer to string (idx2str)
  2. the mapping from string to id (str2idx)
  3. the mapping from string to frequency (str2freq)
  4. the maximum size of all sets (max_set_size)
  5. additional preprocessing information (by default how to fill missing values and what token to use to fill missing values)

The parameters available for preprocessing are

  • tokenizer (default space): defines how to map from the raw string content of the dataset column to a set of elements. The default value space splits the string on spaces. Common options include: underscore (splits on underscore), comma(splits on comma), json (decodes the string into a set or a list through a JSON parser). For all the available options refer to the Tokenizers section.
  • missing_value_strategy (default fill_with_const): what strategy to follow when there's a missing value in a binary column. The value should be one of fill_with_const (replaces the missing value with a specific value specified with the fill_value parameter), fill_with_mode (replaces the missing values with the most frequent value in the column), fill_with_mean (replaces the missing values with the mean of the values in the column), backfill (replaces the missing values with the next valid value).
  • fill_value (default 0): the value to replace the missing values with in case the missing_value_strategy is fill-value.
  • lowercase (default false): if the string has to be lowercased before being handled by the tokenizer.
  • most_common (default 10000): the maximum number of most common tokens to be considered. if the data contains more than this amount, the most infrequent tokens will be treated as unknown.

Set Input Features and Encoders

Set features have one encoder, the raw binary values coming from the input placeholders are first transformed in sparse integer lists, then they are mapped to either dense or sparse embeddings (one-hot encodings), finally they are aggregated and returned as outputs. Inputs are of size b while outputs are of size b x h where b is the batch size and h is the dimensionally of the embeddings.

|0|          +-----+
|0|   +-+    |emb 2|   +-----------+
|1|   |2|    +-----+   |Aggregation|
|0+--->4+---->emb 4+--->Reduce     +->
|1|   |5|    +-----+   |Operation  |
|1|   +-+    |emb 5|   +-----------+
|0|          +-----+

The available encoder parameters are

  • representation' (default dense): the possible values are dense and sparse. dense means the embeddings are initialized randomly, sparse means they are initialized to be one-hot encodings.
  • embedding_size (default 50): it is the maximum embedding size, the actual size will be min(vocabulary_size, embedding_size) for dense representations and exactly vocabulary_size for the sparse encoding, where vocabulary_size is the number of different strings appearing in the training set in the column the feature is named after (plus 1 for <UNK>).
  • embeddings_trainable (default true): If true embeddings are trained during the training process, if false embeddings are fixed. It may be useful when loading pretrained embeddings for avoiding finetuning them. This parameter has effect only when representation is dense as sparse one-hot encodings are not trainable.
  • pretrained_embeddings (default null): by default dense embeddings are initialized randomly, but this parameter allows to specify a path to a file containing embeddings in the GloVe format. When the file containing the embeddings is loaded, only the embeddings with labels present in the vocabulary are kept, the others are discarded. If the vocabulary contains strings that have no match in the embeddings file, their embeddings are initialized with the average of all other embedding plus some random noise to make them different from each other. This parameter has effect only if representation is dense.
  • embeddings_on_cpu (default false): by default embeddings matrices are stored on GPU memory if a GPU is used, as it allows for faster access, but in some cases the embedding matrix may be really big and this parameter forces the placement of the embedding matrix in regular memory and the CPU is used to resolve them, slightly slowing down the process as a result of data transfer between CPU and GPU memory.
  • fc_layers (default null): it is a list of dictionaries containing the parameters of all the fully connected layers. The length of the list determines the number of stacked fully connected layers and the content of each dictionary determines the parameters for a specific layer. The available parameters for each layer are: fc_size, norm, activation, dropout, weights_initializer and weighs_regularizer. If any of those values is missing from the dictionary, the default value will be used.
  • num_fc_layers (default 1): this is the number of stacked fully connected layers that the input to the feature passes through. Their output is projected in the feature's output space.
  • fc_size (default 10): f a fc_size is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default fc_size that will be used for each layer. It indicates the size of the output of a fully connected layer.
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • weights_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the weights matrix. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • bias_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • activity_regularizer (default null): regurlizer function applied to the output of the layer. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • norm (default null): if a norm is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default norm that will be used for each layer. It indicates the norm of the output and it can be null, batch or layer.
  • norm_params (default null): parameters used if norm is either batch or layer. For information on parameters used with batch see Tensorflow's documentation on batch normalization or for layer see Tensorflow's documentation on layer normalization.
  • activation (default relu): if an activation is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default activation that will be used for each layer. It indicates the activation function applied to the output.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate
  • reduce_output (default sum): describes the strategy to use to aggregate the embeddings of the items of the set. Possible values are sum, mean and sqrt (the weighted sum divided by the square root of the sum of the squares of the weights).
  • tied_weights (default null): name of the input feature to tie the weights of the encoder with. It needs to be the name of a feature of the same type and with the same encoder parameters.

Example set feature entry in the input features list:

name: set_column_name
type: set
representation: dense
embedding_size: 50
embeddings_trainable: true
pretrained_embeddings: null
embeddings_on_cpu: false
fc_layers: null
num_fc_layers: 0
fc_size: 10
use_bias: true
weights_initializer: glorot_uniform
bias_initializer: zeros
weights_regularizer: null
bias_regularizer: null
activity_regularizer: null
norm: null
norm_params: null
activation: relu
dropout: 0.0
reduce_output: sum
tied_weights: null

Set Output Features and Decoders

Set features can be used when multi-label classification needs to be performed. There is only one decoder available for set features and it is a (potentially empty) stack of fully connected layers, followed by a projection into a vector of size of the number of available classes, followed by a sigmoid.

+--------------+   +---------+   +-----------+
|Combiner      |   |Fully    |   |Projection |   +-------+
|Output        +--->Connected+--->into Output+--->Sigmoid|
|Representation|   |Layers   |   |Space      |   +-------+
+--------------+   +---------+   +-----------+

These are the available parameters of the set output feature

  • reduce_input (default sum): defines how to reduce an input that is not a vector, but a matrix or a higher order tensor, on the first dimension (second if you count the batch dimension). Available values are: sum, mean or avg, max, concat (concatenates along the first dimension), last (returns the last vector of the first dimension).
  • dependencies (default []): the output features this one is dependent on. For a detailed explanation refer to Output Features Dependencies.
  • reduce_dependencies (default sum): defines how to reduce the output of a dependent feature that is not a vector, but a matrix or a higher order tensor, on the first dimension (second if you count the batch dimension). Available values are: sum, mean or avg, max, concat (concatenates along the first dimension), last (returns the last vector of the first dimension).
  • loss (default {type: sigmoid_cross_entropy}): is a dictionary containing a loss type. The available loss type is sigmoid_cross_entropy.

These are the available parameters of a set output feature decoder

  • fc_layers (default null): it is a list of dictionaries containing the parameters of all the fully connected layers. The length of the list determines the number of stacked fully connected layers and the content of each dictionary determines the parameters for a specific layer. The available parameters for each layer are: fc_size, norm, activation, dropout, initializer and regularize. If any of those values is missing from the dictionary, the default one specified as a parameter of the decoder will be used instead.
  • num_fc_layers (default 0): this is the number of stacked fully connected layers that the input to the feature passes through. Their output is projected in the feature's output space.
  • fc_size (default 256): f a fc_size is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default fc_size that will be used for each layer. It indicates the size of the output of a fully connected layer.
  • use_bias (default true): boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
  • weights_initializer (default 'glorot_uniform'): initializer for the weights matrix. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • bias_initializer (default 'zeros'): initializer for the bias vector. Options are: constant, identity, zeros, ones, orthogonal, normal, uniform, truncated_normal, variance_scaling, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, xavier_normal, xavier_uniform, he_normal, he_uniform, lecun_normal, lecun_uniform. Alternatively it is possible to specify a dictionary with a key type that identifies the type of initializer and other keys for its parameters, e.g. {type: normal, mean: 0, stddev: 0}. To know the parameters of each initializer, please refer to TensorFlow's documentation.
  • weights_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the weights matrix. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • bias_regularizer (default null): regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • activity_regularizer (default null): regurlizer function applied to the output of the layer. Valid values are l1, l2 or l1_l2.
  • norm (default null): if a norm is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default norm that will be used for each layer. It indicates the norm of the output and it can be null, batch or layer.
  • norm_params (default null): parameters used if norm is either batch or layer. For information on parameters used with batch see Tensorflow's documentation on batch normalization or for layer see Tensorflow's documentation on layer normalization.
  • activation (default relu): if an activation is not already specified in fc_layers this is the default activation that will be used for each layer. It indicates the activation function applied to the output.
  • dropout (default 0): dropout rate
  • threshold (default 0.5): The threshold above (greater or equal) which the predicted output of the sigmoid will be mapped to 1.

Example set feature entry (with default parameters) in the output features list:

name: set_column_name
type: set
reduce_input: sum
dependencies: []
reduce_dependencies: sum
    type: sigmoid_cross_entropy
fc_layers: null
num_fc_layers: 0
fc_size: 256
use_bias: true
weights_initializer: glorot_uniform
bias_initializer: zeros
weights_regularizer: null
bias_regularizer: null
activity_regularizer: null
norm: null
norm_params: null
activation: relu
dropout: 0.0
threshold: 0.5

Set Features Measures

The measures that are calculated every epoch and are available for category features are jaccard_index and the loss itself. You can set either of them as