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Model Export

Exporting Ludwig Models

There are a number of ways to export models in Ludwig.

TorchScript Export

A subset of Ludwig Models can be exported to Torchscript end-to-end. This means that, in addition to the model itself, the preprocessing and postprocessing steps can be exported to TorchScript as well, ensuring that the model can be used for inference in a production environment out-of-the-box.

To get started, simply run the export_torchscript command:

ludwig export_torchscript -m=results/experiment_run/model

As long as --model_only is not specified, then three files are output by this command. The most important are, inference_predictor_<DEVICE>.pt, and

The file contains the preprocessor, which is a torch.nn.Module that takes in a dictionary of raw data and outputs a dictionary of tensors. The inference_predictor_<DEVICE>.pt file contains the predictor, which is a torch.nn.Module that takes in a dictionary of tensors and outputs a dictionary of tensors. The file contains the postprocessor, which is a torch.nn.Module that takes in a dictionary of tensors and outputs a dictionary of postprocessed data containing the same keys as the Ludwig predict command DataFrame output. These files can each be loaded separately (and on separate devices) to run inference in a staged manner. This can be particularly useful with a tool like NVIDIA Triton, which can be used to manage each stage of the pipeline independently.

You can get started using these modules immediately by loading them with torch.jit.load:

>>> import torch
>>> preprocessor = torch.jit.load("model/")
>>> predictor = torch.jit.load("model/")
>>> postprocessor = torch.jit.load("model/")

Once you've done this, you can pass in raw data in the form of a dictionary and get back predictions in the form of a dictionary:

>>> raw_data = {
    'text_feature': ['This is a test.'],
    'category_feature': ['cat1', 'cat2'],
    'numerical_feature': [1.0, 2.0],
    'vector_feature': [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]],
>>> preprocessed_data = preprocessor(raw_data)
>>> predictions = predictor(preprocessed_data)
>>> postprocessed_data = postprocessor(predictions)
>>> postprocessed_data
    'probabilities': [[0.8, 0.2]],
    'predictions': ['class1', 'class2'],

If you have your data stored in a DataFrame, you can use the to_inference_module_input_from_dataframe function to convert it to the correct format:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from ludwig.utils.inference_utils import to_inference_module_input_from_dataframe

>>> df = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
>>> raw_data = to_inference_module_input_from_dataframe(df)
>>> raw_data
    'text_feature': ['This is a test.'],
    'category_feature': ['cat1', 'cat2'],
    'numerical_feature': [1.0, 2.0],
    'vector_feature': [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]],

Using the InferenceModule class

For convenience, we've provided a wrapper class called InferenceModule that can be used to load and use the exported model. The InferenceModule class is a subclass of torch.nn.Module and can be used in the same way. The InferenceModule class can be used to load the preprocessor, predictor, and postprocessor in a single step:

>>> from ludwig.models.inference import InferenceModule
>>> inference_module = InferenceModule.from_directory('model/')
>>> raw_data = {...}
>>> preprocessed_data = inference_module.preprocessor_forward(raw_data)
>>> predictions = inference_module.predictor_forward(preprocessed_data)
>>> postprocessed_data = inference_module.postprocessor_forward(predictions)

You can also call the preprocessor, predictor, and postprocessor separately:

>>> inference_module.preprocessor_forward(raw_data)

You can also use the InferenceModule.predict method to input a DataFrame and output a DataFrame, similar to how you would with the LudwigModel.predict method:

>>> input_df = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
>>> output_df = inference_module.predict(input_df)

Finally, you can convert the InferenceModule to TorchScript if you need a monolithic artifact for inference. Note that you can still call the InferenceModule.preprocessor_forward, InferenceModule.predictor_forward, and InferenceModule.postprocessor_forward methods, but InferenceModule.predict will no longer work after this conversion.

>>> scripted_module = torch.jit.script(inference_module)
>>> raw_data = {...}
>>> scripted_module(raw_data)
>>> input_df = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
>>> scripted_module.predict(input_df)  # Will fail

Current Limitations

TorchScript only implements a subset of Python libraries. This means that there are a few of Ludwig's preprocessing steps that are not supported.

Image and Audio Features

If you are using the preprocessor module directly or using the forward method of the InferenceModule module, loading image and audio files from filepaths is not supported. Instead, one has to load the data as either a batched tensor or a List of tensors ahead of passing it in to the module.

If you are using the predict method of the InferenceModule module, then filepath strings will be loaded for you.

Date Features

TorchScript does not implement the datetime module, which means that date features cannot be parsed from string.

If you are using the preprocessor module directly or using the forward method of the InferenceModule module, a vector of integers representing the date must be passed in. Given a datetime_obj, the following code can be used to generate the vector:

def create_vector_from_datetime_obj(datetime_obj):
    yearday = datetime_obj.toordinal() - date(datetime_obj.year, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1

    midnight = datetime_obj.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    second_of_day = (datetime_obj - midnight).seconds

    return [

This function is also available in the ludwig.utils.date_utils module for convenience.

If you are using the predict method of the InferenceModule module, then date strings will be featurized for you.

GPU Support

Input features fed in as strings can only be preprocessed on CPU. In Ludwig, these would be the following features:

  • binary
  • category
  • set
  • sequence
  • text
  • vector
  • bag
  • timeseries

If you are using the preprocessor module directly or using the forward method of the InferenceModule module, then the user can pass in binary, vector, and time series features as tensors to preprocess them on the GPU.

If you are using the predict method of the InferenceModule module, then all of the above features will be cast first to string and then preprocessed on CPU.

NaN Handling

For the majority of features, NaNs are handled by the preprocessor in the same way that they are handled by the original Ludwig Model. The exceptions are the following features:

  • image
  • audio
  • date
  • vector
HuggingFace Models

HuggingFace models are not yet supported for TorchScript export, though we are working on it!

Carton Export

Carton is a library that allows users to efficiently run ML models from several programming languages (including C, C++, Rust, and more).

A subset of Ludwig Models can be exported to Carton. In addition to the model itself, the preprocessing and postprocessing steps are included in the exported model as well, ensuring that the model can be used for inference in a production environment out-of-the-box.

To get started, simply run the export_carton command:

ludwig export_carton -m=results/experiment_run/model
This will produce a file that can be loaded by Carton from any supported programming language.

For example, from Python, you can load and run the model as follows:

import cartonml as carton

async def main():
    model = await carton.load("/path/to/model.carton")
    output = await model.infer({
        "x": np.zeros(5)

See the Carton quickstart guide for usage from other programming languages.

Triton Export

Coming soon...

Neuropod Export

Coming soon...

MLFlow Export