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Ludwig will automatically detect and run on GPU hardware when available. To run on multiple GPUs or a cluster of GPU machines, see Distributed Training.

GPUs will dramatically improve the speed of training using the default ECD architecture. Some features types, nmely text and images, de facto require GPUs to train in a reasonable amount of time. That said, if you are only using tabular features (binary, category, number) with the default concat combiner, or are training a GBM model, you may not notice a difference without GPUs, so the utility will vary by use case.

Running on Apple Metal

Ludwig supports experimental support for Apple Metal GPUs with the Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) library. To try it out, set the LUDWIG_ENABLE_MPS environment variable when training:


It is also recommended to set PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK=1 as well, as not all operations used by Ludwig are supported by MPS.

Empircally, we've observed significant speedups using MPS when training on larger text and image models. However, we also observed performance decreases using smaller tabular models, which is why we do not enable this feature by default. We recommend trying with and without to see which gives the best performance for your use case.


Avoiding CUDA OOMs

GPUs can easily run out of memory when training on large models. To avoid these types of errors, we recommend trying the following in order:

  • Setting trainer.batch_size=auto in the config (this is the current default).
  • Manually setting trainer.max_batch_size.
  • Trying a smaller model architecture.
  • Splitting the model across multiple GPUs the Fully Sharded Data Parallel strategy.

Disabling GPUs

You can disable GPU acceleration during training by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" in the environment. This can be useful for debugging runtime failures specific to your GPU hardware.