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Zero-shot batch inference for tabular classification (TabLLM)

Prompt templates in Ludwig use Python-style placeholder notation, where every placeholder corresponds to a column in the input dataset:

 template: "The {color} {animal} jumped over the {size} {object}"

When a prompt template like the above is provided, the prompt with all placeholders filled will be used as the text input feature value for the LLM.

| color | animal | size | object |
| ----- | ------ | ---- | ------ |
| brown | fox    | big  | dog    |
| white | cat    | huge | rock   |

"The brown fox jumped over the big dog"
"The white cat jumped over the huge rock"

Tabular datasets can be fed directly to an LLM by using brackets to refer to column names. Ludwig takes care of formatting row values automatically.

For example, here's a configuration that can be used to perform binary classification in a zero-shot setting for a tabular dataset with the following column names:

  • Recency -- months since last donation
  • Frequency -- total number of donations
  • Monetary -- total blood donated in c.c.
  • Time -- months since first donation


model_type: llm
base_model: facebook/opt-350m
    temperature: 0.1
    top_p: 0.75
    top_k: 40
    num_beams: 4
    max_new_tokens: 64
    template: >-
        The Recency -- months since last donation is {Recency -- months since
        last donation}. The Frequency -- total number of donations is {Frequency
        -- total number of donations}. The Monetary -- total blood donated in
        c.c. is {Monetary -- total blood donated in c.c.}. The Time -- months
        since first donation is {Time -- months since first donation}.
    name: review
    type: text
    name: label
    type: category
        fallback_label: "neutral"
        type: category_extractor
                type: contains
                value: "positive"
                type: contains
                value: "neutral"
                type: contains
                value: "positive"