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Unit Test Design Guidelines

General Guidelines

Create a unit test for every module

Unit tests are in tests/ludwig/ which parallels the ludwig/ source tree. Every source file in ludwig/ with testable functionality should have a corresponding unit test file in test/ludwig/, with a filename corresponding to the source file, prefixed by test_.


Module Test
ludwig/data/ tests/ludwig/data/
ludwig/features/ tests/ludwig/features/
ludwig/modules/ tests/ludwig/modules/


At the time of writing, not all modules in Ludwig have proper unit tests or match the guidelines here. These guidelines are the goals we aspire to, and we believe incremental improvement is better than demanding perfection. Testing of Ludwig is a work in progress, any changes that get us closer to the goal of 100% test coverage are welcomed!

What should be tested

Unit tests should generally test every function or method a module exports, with some exceptions. A good rule is that if a function or method fulfills a requirement and will be called from outside the module, it should have a test.

  • Test the common cases. This will provide a notification when something breaks.
  • Test the edge cases of complex methods if you think they might have errors.
  • Test failure cases If a method must fail, ex. when input out of range, ensure it does.
  • Bugs When you find a bug, write a test case to cover it before fixing it.

Parameterize tests

Use @pytest.mark.parameterize to test combinations of parameters that drive through all code paths, to ensure correct behavior of the function under a variety of situations.

# test combinations of parameters to exercise all code paths
    'num_total_blocks, num_shared_blocks',
    [(4, 2), (6, 4), (3, 1)]
@pytest.mark.parameterize('virtual_batch_size', [None, 7])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('size', [4, 12])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('input_size', [2, 6])
def test_feature_transformer(
    input_size: int,
    size: int,
    virtual_batch_size: Optional[int],
    num_total_blocks: int,
    num_shared_blocks: int
) -> None:
    feature_transformer = FeatureTransformer(

Test edge cases

Test edge cases when possible. For example, if a method takes multiple inputs: test with an empty input, a single input, and a large number of inputs.

@pytest.mark.parametrize("virtual_batch_size", [None, 7, 64])  # Test with no virtual batch norm, odd size, or large.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_size", [1, 8, 256])  # Test with single input feature or many inputs.

Tensor Type and Shape

At minimum, tests related to tensors should confirm no errors are raised when processing tensor(s) and that resulting tensors are of correct shape and type. This provides minimal assurance that the function is operating as expected.

# pass input features through combiner
combiner_output = combiner(input_features)

# check for required attributes in the generated output
assert hasattr(combiner, 'input_dtype')
assert hasattr(combiner, 'output_shape')

# check for correct data type
assert isinstance(combiner_output, dict)

# required key present
assert 'combiner_output' in combiner_output

# check for correct output shape
assert (combiner_output['combiner_output'].shape
       == (batch_size, *combiner.output_shape))

Trainable Modules

When testing a trainable module (layer, encoder, decoder, combiner or model), make sure that all the variables / weights get updates after one training step. This will ensure that the computation graph does not contain dangling nodes. This catches subtle issues which don’t manifest as crashes, which are not caught by looking at the loss scores or by training the model to convergence (albeit to a usually bad loss), For more details see how to unit test machine learning code.

Add type checking based on torch input and outputs. Ensure all module outputs have the expected torch datatype, dimensionality, and tensor shape.

For trainable modules, we recommend adding at least one overfitting test. Ensure that a small ECD model containing the module is able to overfit on a small dataset. Ensures that models are able to converge on reasonable targets and catches any unscoped issues that are not captured by shape, type, or weight update tests.

Best practices

There's lots of great advice on the web for writing good tests. Here are a few highlights from Microsoft's recommendations that we ascribe to:

What not to test

It isn't necessary to test every function, a good rule is that if a function or method fulfills a requirement and will be called from outside the module, it should have a test.

Things that don't need unit tests:

  • Constructors or properties. Test them only if they contain validations.
  • Configurations like constants, readonly fields, configs, etc.
  • Facades or wrappers around other frameworks or libraries.
  • Private methods

Implementation Guidelines

Use pytest.mark.parameterize

Automates setup for test cases. Be careful to only test case parameter values which are meaningfully different, as the total number of tests cases grows combinatorially.

@pytest.mark.parameterize('enc_should_embed', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('enc_reduce_output', [None, 'sum'])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('enc_norm', [None, 'batch', 'layer'])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('enc_num_layers', [1, 2])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('enc_dropout', [0, 0.2])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('enc_cell_type', ['rnn', 'gru', 'lstm'])
@pytest.mark.parameterize('enc_encoder', ENCODERS + ['passthrough'])
def test_sequence_encoders(
        enc_encoder: str,
        enc_cell_type: str,
        enc_dropout: float,
        enc_num_layers: int,
        enc_norm: Union[None, str],
        enc_reduce_output: Union[None, str],
        enc_should_embed: bool,
        input_sequence: torch.Tensor

Use temp_path or tmpdir for generated data

Use temporary directories for any generated data. PyTest provides fixtures for temporary directories, which are guaranteed unique for each test run and will be cleaned up automatically. We recommend using tmpdir, which provides a py.path.local object which is compatible with os.path methods. If you are using pathlib, PyTest also provides tmp_path, which is a pathlib.Path.

For more details, see Temporary directories and files in the PyTest docs.


@pytest.mark.parametrize("skip_save_processed_input", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_memory", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("image_source", ["file", "tensor"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_channels", [1, 3])
def test_basic_image_feature(
        num_channels, image_source, in_memory, skip_save_processed_input, tmpdir
    # Image Inputs
    image_dest_folder = os.path.join(tmpdir, "generated_images")

Consolidate tests which require setup

For example, multiple tests may rely on the same training/test data sets which take time to load. If multiple tests rely on the same common resources, group these tests into a single module and use appropriately scoped @pytest.fixture to reduce overhead of repeatedly performing setup.

Examples of reusable test fixtures can be found in tests/ This module contains reusable @pytest.fixtures that have applicability across many tests.

Deterministic tests

Wherever possible, every test run with the same parameters should produce the same result. When using a random number generator, always specify a seed. A test will be difficult to debug if it produces different output on different runs.

import torch


# setup synthetic tensor, ensure reproducibility by setting seed
input_tensor = torch.randn([BATCH_SIZE, input_size], dtype=torch.float32)

Test for parameter updates

The utility function check_module_parameters_updated() in the tests.integration_tests.parameter_utils module is available to test whether Ludwig modules, e.g., encoders, combiners, decoders and related sub-components are updating parameters during the sequence of forward pass-backward pass-optimize step.

Guidelines for implementing parameter updating test:

  • Not required for very simple modules, like the fully-connected layer or for well-known pre-trained modules, like the Huggingface text encoders.
  • Before implementing the parameter update test ensure that the test does not generate run-time exceptions, the generated output conforms to the expected data structure and the shape of the output is correct.

check_module_parameters_updated(module, input, target) function requires three positional arguments:

  • module is the Ludwig component to be tested, i.e., encoder, combiner or decoder
  • input is tuple that is the input the Ludwig component's forward method
  • target is a synthetic tensor representing the target values for computing loss at the end of the forward pass.

The module and input arguments can be the same as those used in the early part of the test to ensure no run-time exceptions and correct output.

A two-step process is recommended steps for implementing the test:

Step 1:

Set the random seed for repeatability. Partially implement the parameter update test to print the counts of parameters, e.g.,

    # check for parameter updating
    target = torch.randn(output.shape)
    fpc, tpc, upc, not_updated = check_module_parameters_updated(sequence_rnn_decoder, (combiner_outputs, None), target)
    print(fpc, tpc, upc, not_updated)

target is a tensor with synthetic data that is used to in computing the loss after the forward pass.

fpc is the count of frozen parameters. tpc is the count of trainable parameters. upc is the updated parameter count, i.e., the number of parameters that were updated during the cycle of forward pass-backward pass-optimize step. Inspect the values for correctness, such as

  • fpc + tpc should equal the total number of parameters in the module
  • fpc should be zero except for pre-trained modules like the Huggingface text encoders.
  • upc <= tpc

In the case that some parameters are not updated, not_updated is a Python list containing parameter names that were not updated.

In the ideal case, upc == tpc, i.e, count of trainable parameters is equal to the count of updated parameters. However, there may be situations where upc < tpc. This may occur when dropout is used or with batch normalization with a single training example or conditional processing in the forward() method. The preceding is not an exhaustive list. Whenever upc < tpc, the developer should confirm that the counts are correct for the situation.

Tips and Tricks to Understand Ludwig Module Parameter Structure

While working in Step 1, these code fragments may be temporarily used to gain insight into the structure and parameters in a Ludwig module.

The print() will display the layers that make up a Ludwig module. From the output the developer can confirm the correct structure and configuration values.

encoder = create_encoder(
    Stacked2DCNN, num_channels=image_size[0], height=image_size[1], width=image_size[2], **encoder_kwargs

# output
  (conv_stack_2d): Conv2DStack(
    (stack): ModuleList(
      (0): Conv2DLayer(
        (layers): ModuleList(
          (0): Conv2d(3, 32, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=valid)
          (1): ReLU()
          (2): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
      (1): Conv2DLayer(
        (layers): ModuleList(
          (0): Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=valid)
          (1): ReLU()
          (2): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
  (flatten): Flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=-1)
  (fc_stack): FCStack(
    (stack): ModuleList(
      (0): FCLayer(
        (layers): ModuleList(
          (0): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=28, bias=True)
          (1): ReLU()

Use the named_parameters() method to understand the parameters contained in a Ludwig module. This method returns a list of tuples. The first element in the tuple is the parameter's name. The second element is the instance of the PyTorch Parameter object. In the following example there are 6 parameters, all of them are trainable.

encoder = create_encoder(
    Stacked2DCNN, num_channels=image_size[0], height=image_size[1], width=image_size[2], **encoder_kwargs
for p in encoder.named_parameters():
    print(f"name: {p[0]}, shape: {p[1].shape}, trainable: {p[1].requires_grad}")

# output
name: conv_stack_2d.stack.0.layers.0.weight, shape: torch.Size([32, 3, 3, 3]), trainable: True
name: conv_stack_2d.stack.0.layers.0.bias, shape: torch.Size([32]), trainable: True
name: conv_stack_2d.stack.1.layers.0.weight, shape: torch.Size([32, 32, 3, 3]), trainable: True
name: conv_stack_2d.stack.1.layers.0.bias, shape: torch.Size([32]), trainable: True
name: fc_stack.stack.0.layers.0.weight, shape: torch.Size([28, 32]), trainable: True
name: fc_stack.stack.0.layers.0.bias, shape: torch.Size([28]), trainable: True

Step 2:

Once all the differences between tpc and upc are accounted for then replace the print() statement with the appropriate set of assert statements. Here are some examples:

    # check for parameter updating
    target = torch.randn(output.shape)
    fpc, tpc, upc, not_updated = check_module_parameters_updated(sequence_rnn_decoder, (combiner_outputs, None), target)
    assert upc == tpc, f"Failed to update parameters.  Parameters not update: {not_updated}"
    target = torch.randn(conv1_stack.output_shape)
    fpc, tpc, upc, not_updated = check_module_parameters_updated(conv1_stack, (input,), target)
    if dropout == 0:
        # all trainable parameters should be updated
        assert tpc == upc, (
            f"All parameter not updated. Parameters not updated: {not_updated}" f"\nModule structure:\n{conv1_stack}"
        # with specified config and random seed, non-zero dropout update parameter count could take different values
        assert (tpc == upc) or (upc == 1), (
            f"All parameter not updated. Parameters not updated: {not_updated}" f"\nModule structure:\n{conv1_stack}"

Example of a full test with parameter update checking:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("cell_type", ["rnn", "gru"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_layers", [1, 2])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [20, 1])
def test_sequence_rnn_decoder(cell_type, num_layers, batch_size):
    hidden_size = 256
    vocab_size = 50
    max_sequence_length = 10

    # make repeatable

    combiner_outputs = {HIDDEN: torch.rand([batch_size, hidden_size])}
    sequence_rnn_decoder = SequenceRNNDecoder(
        hidden_size, vocab_size, max_sequence_length, cell_type, num_layers=num_layers

    output = sequence_rnn_decoder(combiner_outputs, target=None)

    assert list(output.size()) == [batch_size, max_sequence_length, vocab_size]

    # check for parameter updating
    target = torch.randn(output.shape)
    fpc, tpc, upc, not_updated = check_module_parameters_updated(sequence_rnn_decoder, (combiner_outputs, None), target)
    assert upc == tpc, f"Failed to update parameters.  Parameters not update: {not_updated}"